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Membership in the
Penn State India Alumni Network

Thank you for your interest in joining the Penn State India Alumni Network. Membership is open to all Penn State Alumni, supporters or friends of Penn State with ties to India.


  • Meet & network with other Penn State Alumni in India with events across Delhi, Mumbai,
    Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai and Kolkata.


  • Special access to PSIAN Alumni Database.

  • Special access to PSIAN Job Board.

  • Eligible to vote in Chapter elections and serve on committees.

  • Experience the joy of giving back to your school and building Penn State's brand in India.

How much?

0-5 years after graduation (class of 2013-2018): Rs. ______ for 5 years.

5+ years after graduation (class of 2012 and before): Rs. _______ for 5 years.

Pay Rs. _____/-
Pay Rs. _____/-

Why are we doing this?


The answer to that is simple.
Just like any other non-profit organization, PSIAN needs ongoing funding to sustain itself.

Our contributions will help us keep breathing.


Come, join the club

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